(Answer) (Category) The Solar-AC FAQ : (Category) Just the numbers: constants, conversions, tables : (Answer) Tables of specific and latent heat values
Table of specific heat values

Substance          Specific Heat (J/kg.degC)
---------          ----------------
water                  4186
ice                    2060
steam                  2009
aluminum                900
copper                  387
lead                    128
silver                  235
ethyl alcohol          2450
mercury                 138
air                    1005
oxygen                  912

source: http://physics.mtsu.edu/~phys2010/Lectures/L18_-_L23/L22/c-values/c-values.html
Table of latent heat values

Substance     Melting (oC)      Lf (kJ/kg)     Boiling (oC)      Lv (kJ/kg)

water               0              335             100              2272
aluminum          659              399            2327             10530
copper           1083              207            2595              4730
ethyl alcohol    -114              108              78               855
hydrogen         -259               58            -253               455
lead              328               23            1750               859
mercury           -39               11             357               295
nitrogen         -210               26            -196               200
oxygen           -219               14            -183               213
silver            962              111            1950              2356

Source: http://physics.mtsu.edu/~phys2010/Lectures/L18_-_L23/L22/L-Values/l-values.html
Next: (Answer) Table of absorptivity and emissivity of common materials and coatings
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